“3rd International Forum on Zygomycosis”
19 – 21 September 2014, Golden Coast Hotel, Marathon , Attica
The ECMM/ISHAM Working Group on Zygomycosis is organizing the
3rd International Forum on Zygomycosis
which will take place on 19 – 21 September 2014 at Golden Coast Hotel in Marathon.
The faculty includes experts on mucormycosis from all over the world.
This Forum will have a new feature, a Workshop will take place on Friday morning,
for people who would like to know more about this lethal disease, with emphasis on practical issues.
Please visit the official website, www.zygomycosis2014.eu, for further information as well as for the Preliminary Program.
Registration fee: 200€ for Greek participants only, for both workshop and main course.
We would like to invite everyone who is interested in mucormycosis to attend and
we look forward to welcoming you to a stimulating and exciting event.
26, Marathonomahon str., 151 24 Maroussi
Tel. +30 210 6827405 – 210 6839690/1, Fax +30 210 6827409
[email protected] www.tmg.gr